Sigal is an Israeli Photographer, an Author and an Arts and Photo Therapist. Sigal Lives in Jerusalem with her husband and four children.
After graduating from Beit Berl Arts Academy in 1987, Sigal started teaching Photography in a wide range of institutions and seminars.
Sigal has been a part of dozens solo and groups Photography Exhibitions all across Israel, sharing her talent and vision with students, fans and collectors for over 30 years.

A city Joined together - The Jerusalem Series
In the series of photographs "Jerusalem – A city joined together," central sites of Jerusalem are shown, with each site being a layered collage of many individual photographs (using a technique inspired by the artist David Hockney). This technique expands the framework of a single photograph and provides a sense of space and depth.

Jerusalem YMCA and more
Living in Jerusalem is giving the rare oportunity to be close to many beutiful and old buldings and structures. I have added a few filters and hand embalishment techniques. Here are a few examples of my experiences Through my eyes...
צל עובר - Moving Shadow
The series of photographs "Passing Shadow" corresponds to the text from Psalms, which refers to the temporary existence of man in the world. Man is like a shadow, which sometimes passes by. The sense of transience and anxiety about death is present in the works. The series of photographs encompasses different periods and situations, moments that express social life and moments of loneliness.

Israeli Still Life - דומם טבע ישראלי
Ezekiel the prophet in the prophecy of "the vision of the dry bones," describes how dry bones of dead people, will return to form and return to life. The thorns in my work are an image and metaphor of dry bones that return to life.
נשים בשחור ולבן - Women in Black and White
I reached out with my hand holding a camera in order to document the differences between us- women whose hair was covered and those whose hair was not. I wished to touch the invisible barrier, and reveal the faces that express different beliefs, a religious life style versus a secular one to discover. I sought the black and white of Israeli society.The contrasts and the stigmas.

גוש קטיף - Gush Katif
This collection relates to the transformation process that was imposed upon the people of Gush Katif. They were removed, against their will, from their houses and natural surroundings and were forced to deal with a change in their way of life in strange and unfriendly surroundings. The open landscapes were replaced by streets of concrete and the houses and gardens were replaced by small, crowded rooms.
Nature - צילומי הטבע
I grew up in the city on the south coast, in a villa overlooking orange groves and the sea. My childhood was filled with dunes, climbing on trees, the "Tzophim" youth movement and a lot of nature and sea. My relationship with photography began filming nature, and over the years this motif became a big part of photos. Nature for me is an existential need and the kind of deep emotional connection to the source of power and spirituality.

סודות וצללים - Secrets and Shadows
The book "Secrets and Shadows" is a collection of photographs and texts taken from conversations with various people, in various periods. The photographs are something of a "visual echo" to the text. The combination of verbal and physical languages leaves room for additional interpretations of both. The photographs and texts express a moment of introspection, into the rupture point, and readiness to move the pain from the shadows into the light, from the hidden into the open, from the emotional experience to insight, from damage to repair.
Image Art
In photography, most of the images are set in series. Few images are better when they set alone. Here are a few that I thought were the right fit to be shown alone.